Health risks of chronic heavy drinking
A little alcohol now and then isn’t likely to cause lasting damage if your health is otherwise good.
Most men define heavy drinking as having more than four drinks per day or 14 to 15 drinks in a week.
Drinking too much alcohol can cause many mental and physical health problems:
Liver damage
Alcohol is a toxic substance, and your liver must eliminate it from your body. This is a sign your liver isn’t working as well as it should.
Heart Disease
You might be aware of the dangers of bleeding and high cholesterol levels within your body. Research on heavy drinkers shows that they are more likely than others to have difficulty pumping blood to their hearts.
Problems with the Nervous System and Brain
Alcohol can affect the brain communication pathways. It makes it difficult to think, speak, remember information, make decisions, move your body, and make decisions. Heavy drinking can also lead to mental issues like depression or dementia. It is possible to sustain painful nerve damage even after drinking.
This happens when your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells to move oxygen around. This could lead to inflammation and ulcers.
Heavy alcohol consumption is linked to many types of cancer. Your throat, voice box and esophagus can all be damaged by alcohol. It can cause cancer in your liver, breast and intestinal. Alcohol can cause cancer by allowing chemicals from tobacco or other sources to enter your cells more easily.
Your chances of developing epilepsy could increase if you continue to abuse alcohol. Seizures can also be caused by alcohol withdrawal following heavy drinking.
Painful uric acid buildups cause this form of arthritis within the joints. These include red meats, shellfish and even alcohol, especially beer and liquor.
Drinking excessively can cause your immune system to fail to fight off bacteria and viruses. You can also harm your liver by drinking excessively. Your immune system is influenced by your liver’s ability to make antibacterial proteins.
Digestive Problems
Booze can be very irritating. Booze can cause nausea and stomach irritation. This can lead to ulcers and chronic inflammation in the stomach and esophagus. Your intestines may be unable to absorb important nutrients such as B12 or thiamine. A buildup in digestive enzymes in your pancreas can lead to inflamed or pancreatitis. This can increase your risk of developing diabetes by affecting how much insulin are you making.
Drinking a lot can make you feel sleepy at night. Once the sedative effects wear off, it can affect your sleep quality. It can be difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep if you drink too much. It can also lead to snoring or sleep apnea. This can make it difficult to get a good night of rest.
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