Chronic heavy drinking poses health risks

Drinking alcohol can lead to many diseases. People are well aware that alcohol can cause liver cirrhosis and automobile accidents. Did you know that chronic drinking can lead to heart attack and cancer? Continue reading to learn more about the consequences of heavy drinking.


Alcohol abuse can cause damage to the hematologic systems, which are made up of blood, spleen and bone marrow. Anemia is when your red blood cells count becomes abnormally low. Anemia can cause fatigue, shortness or lightheadedness, and other symptoms such as anemia.


Your risk of developing cancer from chronic alcohol consumption can be increased if you continue to drink. Your body converts alcohol into acetaldehyde, which is a carcinogen (a substance that can cause cancer). Many cancers found in heavy drinkers affect the mouth, throat, larynx, voice box, esophagus and liver. Smoking is a major risk factor for cancer in heavy drinkers.

Cardiovascular Disease

Heart disease and stroke can be caused by excessive drinking or binging. It can increase blood fats (triglycerides), leading to stroke and high blood pressure. It can also lead to cardiomyopathy, a weakening of the heart muscle, and atrial or ventricular fibrillation abnormalities.


Chronic alcohol consumption can cause inflammation in the liver. This can lead to scarring of the liver tissue, which can eventually lead to cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a potentially fatal condition where the liver can’t function properly. Drinking for a longer time increases your risk. Although cirrhosis is not common in heavy drinkers, it can be inherited from families. Women are more likely to get it than men.


Drinking excessively can cause brain damage and memory loss. Alcohol-related brain damage may mirror certain symptoms of dementia, such as poor judgment and difficulty making decisions. Korsakoff’s syndrome may be caused by excessive alcohol consumption over a prolonged period. This condition can cause short-term memory loss. Additional symptoms of dementia can be caused by excessive drinking.


Alcohol abuse and depression often go hand in hand. Sometimes, people who are feeling depressed turn to alcohol for self-medication. Studies show that depression is a common symptom of heavy drinking.


Status epilepticus is a type of epilepsy that results from excessive drinking or withdrawal. This can be life-threatening and can cause severe epileptic seizures. Epilepsy can also be caused by excessive alcohol consumption in people who didn’t have it before. Epilepsy medication may make you more sensitive and cause some epilepsy medications to interfere with your epilepsy medications.


Gout is caused by the formation of uric acid crystals within the joints. Gout can be extremely painful. Gout can be very painful. Drinking alcohol can make your condition worse if you already have it.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can be caused by alcohol (hypertension). High blood pressure can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Hypertension can be chronic and lead to other medical conditions like heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and other health problems.

Infectious Diseases

Drinking excessive alcohol can cause a weakening of the immune system and make it easier to contract infections. Chronic drinkers are more susceptible to developing diseases like tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. STDs can be a problem because heavy drinkers are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. Your body’s ability to fight infection can be affected by even one-time binges.

Nerve Damage

Heavy drinking can cause alcoholic neuropathy, which is nerve damage. This condition is caused by alcohol being toxic to nerve cells and poor nutrition. The symptoms include numbness and tingling, pain, weakness in the extremities, loss of bladder or bowel control, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and impotence.


Pancreatitis can be caused by excessive drinking. This is dangerous because it involves inflammation of the pancreas. Acute abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms may be present. Chronic drinking can lead to chronic pancreatitis and malabsorption of nutrients.

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